Monday, August 5, 2013

Turning Point

I'm not real sure the proper way to begin a blog, but by saying..."hi."  As selfish as this sounds, I've lived "in my head the last few weeks."  I've had multiple phone calls asking multiple questions that created a multiplicity of emotions.  I'm still trying to process all of these questions that evoked all kinds of emotions within. Check out some of these questions...I'm sure you've been asked the same thing or something similar:

  • Do you still believe the same?
  • Do you still believe in salvation?
  • Do you believe in the devil?
  • Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins?
  • Do you believe that you must have faith to be saved?
  • Do you believe in demons, heaven, hell, etc...?
  • Do you believe...
The questions were all "do you still believe," or "do you believe."  I did voice my "beliefs" and "unbeliefs" to a dear friend whom I trust, but to the others who asked, I just looked at them with a blank stare.  I wanted to know the motive of their questions.  Honestly, I was afraid to answer because of the onslaught that may come from it...I know, I know...I was probably assuming the worse, but what is the point?  I understand that beliefs catoragize people groups and departmentalize organizations, but does it also determine relationships?  I also understand that "beliefs" can determine employment status...especially in ministry.  I don't argue that.  A "belief" is an acceptance that something is is what unifies organizations, but is it the unifying factor in relationships? 

What if I said "yes" to only a couple of the questions asked above...or maybe only one...what if I didn't say "yes", but "no."  How would you feel about me?  Now, now...don't assume anything at this point because I haven't answered any of them.  I'm merely asking a question to answer the question.  If I don't say "yes", will you still listen to what I have to say?

Next time you ask a question, think before you ask and ask yourself, "If I don't get the answer I want, will I listen and allow them to ask me questions as well.  Can I still be in relationship with them regardless of their answer."  Can you walk with somebody whose beliefs differ from you, and learn from each other? 

As I wrestle out the many questions and emotions that are passing before my eyes, I reflect on this song by Killswitch Engage. 

In these days that pass before me
There was an anxious feeling that would hold me down
Tearing me inside
Bleeding my spirit

This is the turning point, the rising of the tide
No fear inside
This is the change that takes the suffering away
No more wasting time

Face the pain that suffocates
As the past returns to torment me
Wallow in my scars
Save me before I break

This is the turning point, the rising of the tide
No fear inside
This is the change that takes the suffering away
No more wasting time

Find the strength to maintain
Give me, give me a reason to believe
Search for truth that will not change
Give me, give me a reason to believe

Find the strength to maintain
Search for truth that will not change 
Peace my fellow travelers...Lech Lecha!!


  1. Follow the lesson of the Oyster:
    If we can come to accept the grain of sand that irritates under our skin,
    we are left with a pearl of wisdom.

  2. On being asked challenging questions:
    "Do not free a camel of the burden of his hump; you may be freeing him from being a camel."
    - G. K. Chesterton

  3. "Adversity Does Not Build Character
    It Reveals It"


  4. Nothing like handing out advice, for its mirror to force me to have to look at my own life ;)

    "... I will go home and reconsider my life"
    ~ Death-Stick dealer
    Star Wars Episode II

  5. "Let us search and try our ways, and come again unto Jehovah." --Jeremiah.
